
Every system, when implemented, should result in automatic execution and monitoring of certain tasks.

Automation is nothing but emulation of tasks earlier done by a human being. Beyond emulation, the speed at which task is being performed should also be better, to actualize the benefit of investment (ROI) from the new system.

Besides automation of tasks, process improvement plays another key role in improving the quality of a product or service. In the context of IT services, ITL and ISO are crucial standards to be followed in achieving the goal of process excellence. All such process improvement standards prescribe a change management procedure, when followed diligently, they guarantee success in transition or transformation to next level or improved state of product, service or user experience.

It is important that when planning to on board an IT automation team, they should be coupled with an equal and successful experience in change management and process know-how of the standards. When talking in context of the customer experience improvement via customer service one must use the right CRM or ticketing platform’s communication tools and a competent team that can manage those platforms well using change management processes that are well guided by the industry standards.

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