
Omni Channel Enablement

Our services are designed to enhance customer experiences across multiple communication channels, catering to global companies seeking comprehensive channel integration. Explore how our solutions can transform your customer support strategy.

Voice Integration

Elevate your customer support with seamless Voice integration. TecRivulet enables direct communication between your customers and support team through efficient call routing, automated responses, and detailed call logging. Our solution ensures a holistic view of customer interactions, enhancing overall service quality.Our expertise extends to creating comprehensive Business-Technology mappings, bridging the gap between your operational requirements and the capabilities of the chosen cloud-based helpdesk system. This mapping serves as a roadmap for a solution that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, enhancing your overall operational efficiency.

Email Management

Email Management

Streamline your email communication with our Email integration services. TecRivulet configures your helpdesk system to handle and organize incoming emails effectively. From automated ticket creation to personalized email responses, we optimize your system to manage email inquiries seamlessly, providing efficient and timely resolutions.Smooth transitions are paramount for project success. TecRivulet excels in ensuring a seamless migration to your chosen cloud-based helpdesk system. Our dedicated team manages the entire transition process, including data migration, system configuration, and user onboarding. During implementation, we leverage industry best practices to optimize the performance of the helpdesk system. Our goal is to minimize disruptions to your operations while maximizing the benefits of the new solution. From initial setup to final testing, we handle each phase with precision, ensuring a swift and successful implementation.
Chat Support
Empower real-time communication through Chat integration. TecRivulet configures your helpdesk system to support live chat, enabling direct engagement with customers. Our solution includes features such as chat routing, automated responses, and chat history for a cohesive and responsive support experience.
Empower real-time communication through Chat integration. TecRivulet configures your helpdesk system to support live chat, enabling direct engagement with customers. Our solution includes features such as chat routing, automated responses, and chat history for a cohesive and responsive support experience.
Empower real-time communication through Chat integration. TecRivulet configures your helpdesk system to support live chat, enabling direct engagement with customers. Our solution includes features such as chat routing, automated responses, and chat history for a cohesive and responsive support experience.

WhatsApp Integration

Connect with your customers on their preferred platform with WhatsApp integration. TecRivulet facilitates the integration of WhatsApp into your helpdesk system, enabling efficient communication through this popular messaging app. This includes automated responses, ticket creation, and multimedia support for a personalized experience.

Platform Implementation with ITIL and DevOps Tools

Implementing robust IT service management and DevOps platforms is critical for driving efficiency, collaboration, and innovation. We specialize in platform implementation using leading tools such as ServiceNow and Zendesk, configured to align with ITIL and DevOps principles. Whether it's incident management, change control, or continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), we design and deploy scalable, integrated platforms that empower your teams to deliver value with speed and agility.

Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement

Stay connected with your audience on social media platforms through Social Media integration. TecRivulet ensures that interactions on platforms like Facebook and Twitter seamlessly flow into your helpdesk system. Monitor and respond to social media inquiries directly from your helpdesk interface, enhancing your online presence.During implementation, we leverage industry best practices to optimize the performance of the helpdesk system. Our goal is to minimize disruptions to your operations while maximizing the benefits of the new solution. From initial setup to final testing, we handle each phase with precision, ensuring a swift and successful implementation.
SMS Support
Extend your reach with SMS integration. TecRivulet enables customers to seek support or receive updates via SMS. Our solution includes automated SMS responses, ticket creation through SMS, and tracking for a complete view of customer interactions.
Extend your reach with SMS integration. TecRivulet enables customers to seek support or receive updates via SMS. Our solution includes automated SMS responses, ticket creation through SMS, and tracking for a complete view of customer interactions.
Extend your reach with SMS integration. TecRivulet enables customers to seek support or receive updates via SMS. Our solution includes automated SMS responses, ticket creation through SMS, and tracking for a complete view of customer interactions.

TecRivulet stands out in omni-channel enablement by providing a holistic approach to channel integration. We understand that each communication channel is unique, and our solutions are tailored to ensure a consistent and exceptional customer experience across all touchpoints. Whether it's voice, email, chat, WhatsApp, BOT, social media, or SMS, we enable your organization to deliver unified support seamlessly, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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