
ACD and Dialler

ACD and Dialler

Our ACD and Dialler services are designed to streamline your call management processes, ensuring that calls are routed effectively, agents are utilized optimally, and outbound campaigns are executed with precision.
  • ACD Group Formation: We assist in forming ACD groups tailored to your business needs. By categorizing agents based on their expertise, experience, and availability, we create ACD groups that ensure calls are routed to the right agent, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction. Our approach ensures that your ACD system is aligned with your operational goals and customer service standards.
  • Skillset Creation and Mapping: Effective call routing depends on accurately mapping agent skillsets to customer needs. We help you define and implement a comprehensive skillset mapping strategy that matches customer inquiries with the most qualified agents. By optimizing this mapping process, we ensure that your customers receive prompt and knowledgeable support, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Resource Optimization: Maximizing the efficiency of your call center resources is key to maintaining high service levels. Our resource optimization services focus on aligning agent availability with call volume, reducing idle time, and ensuring that your team is working at peak efficiency. We analyze call patterns and agent performance to create schedules and workflows that optimize resource utilization.
  • Time-Based Routing: Implementing time-based routing ensures that calls are managed efficiently based on the time of day, agent availability, and business priorities. We set up time-based routing rules that adapt to your operational needs, ensuring that calls are directed to the right resources at the right times. This approach helps you maintain high service levels even during peak hours or outside regular business hours.
  • Data Churning and De-duplication for Predictive Dialling: Data quality is critical for successful outbound campaigns. We provide data churning and de-duplication services to clean and refine your contact lists, eliminating duplicates and ensuring that your predictive dialler is working with the most accurate and relevant data. This not only improves the efficiency of your campaigns but also increases the likelihood of successful connections and conversions.
  • Why Choose TecRivulet?

  • Tailored ACD and Dialler Solutions: We customize our services to meet the specific needs of your business, ensuring that your call management systems are aligned with your goals.
  • Expert Implementation: Our team has the expertise to design, implement, and optimize ACD and Dialler systems that enhance performance and efficiency.
  • Operational Efficiency: We focus on resource optimization and data quality to ensure that your call center operates at peak performance.
  • Comprehensive Support: From group formation and skillset mapping to data management and routing, we provide end-to-end support for your ACD and Dialler needs.
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